We all have Secrets...


Isn't it a Magical word?

The mOment one's hears this word,
There are lots of thoughts that start coming in your mind like
What is it? About whom are they talking? Should i find out or just leave it?
Is anything wrong? Whats gonna happen and lots more isn't it?
when you hear it from the person whom you care the most
i.e: Your friends and your enemies?
Why enemies?
to stay updated about things they say and plans that might affect you...

Too many secrets related to too many people,
but one funniest part call it a fact about most secret is that they are not kept with an individual person or group
instead its known by at least 3ppl in excess who weren't related to the secret at all.
All I want to say is,
If one can't keep their secret safe in their heart then 
why do they expect others to keep it as a so called "Secret"?
As they themselves are the one who leaked it first...


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